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  • If you attend an ACA meeting and you don't feel comfortable or it doesn't resonate with you, please try another meeting.
  • Each meeting is autonomous, which means the group has a certain amount of freedom in making decisions about how they conduct their meeting.
  • ACA meetings can be as different as people are different from each other.
  • See Healthy Meeting Practices.

Additional Resources:   Healthy Meeting Practices   Zoom Meeting Disruptions Suggestions   Meeting Resources

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2746 Meeting(s) Found - Page

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Saturday 09:45 PM WEB1139 Agnostics R' us
We use Jitsi meeting to host our meetings which is a free open source video conference service To join our Jitsi meeting please copy URL into browser: https://rb.gy/wkwfr how to join a jitsi meeting: https://youtu.be/kNc7x5aJAMg?si=86IgOIm_ylhu97Dd camera optional meeting If the microfone or camera doesnt work please try opening link in Firefox browser. Agnostics R' us is open to everyone in ACA. If you identify atheist, agnostic, a freethinker, humanist, uncomfortable with the religious language in ACA literature, questioning what Higher Power means to you, or simply looking for a new meeting, then this group could be for you. There is one requirement for ACA membership: the desire to recover from the effects of family dysfunction. We are not bitter atheists or against a Higher Power. We believe in personal accountability and that ACA recovery from dysfunction can be successful with or without “god.” We acknowledge that a Judeo/Christian or any other Higher Power does not work for everyone. If you’d like a secular approach to the 12-steps in ACA, we invite you to join us . Meditation is the focus of the meeting contact name: francisco email contact: [email protected] we meet every day
(English) Open to All (online)
Focus: Secular/Agnostic/Atheist
Meetings Local Time 07:45 pm America/Denver
Last Update on 7-Jun-2024
Saturday 09:55 PM WEB0608 Sydney International Speaker Meeting
Sydney International Speaker Meeting Only Meets on the Second Sunday of each month 12midday to 1.30pm Sydney time https://zoom.us/j/418125471 Meeting ID 418 125 471 Password 028589
(English) Open to All (online)
Format: Speaker
Meetings Local Time 11:55 am Australia/Sydney
Last Update on 10-Sep-2023
Saturday 09:55 PM WEB0310 Sydney Lunchtime Meeting
Lunchtime Club Daily Affirmations Mondays to Sunday at 12.00 pm (noon) Sydney Aust time zone  Sydney International Speaker Meeting held Second Sunday each month 12midday to 1.30pm (Sydney Australia time) https://zoom.us/j/418125471?pwd=RDR3a2JkL0pJYzliYi9qcDZ1SC8xZz09 Meeting ID 418 125 471 Password 028589 Please visit our meeting website acalunchtime.com for great speaker recordings and other ACA recovery tools. Hope to see you soon
(English) Open to All (online)
Format: Discussion - Speaker - Strengthening My Recovery
Meetings Local Time 11:55 am Australia/Sydney
Last Update on 19-May-2024
Saturday 10:45 PM AUS0114
18 Excelsior Rd,Gympie 4570 Queensland Australia

Gympie Community Place. On the corner of Excelsior rd and Stanley st
(English) Open to All (In Person)
Focus: Beginners
Meetings Local Time 12:45 pm Australia/Brisbane
Last Update on 19-Aug-2023
Saturday 11:00 PM CA1555 Farmers Market
6333 W 3rd St,Los Angeles 90069 California Los Angeles

Parking is abundant. You can get a two-hour parking Free with a purchase at Monsieur Marcel. Have them validate your ticket. Also, there are other vendors who participate. We meet upstairs in the Meeting Room.
(English) Open to All (In Person)
Format: Fellowship Text (BRB)
Meetings Local Time 08:00 pm America/Los_Angeles
Last Update on 23-Mar-2024
MEETING ID 861 9187 7902 PASSCODE: 177441 NEW MEETING TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES FOR CONNECTING WITH OUR INNER CHILD, p. 305-306: ". . . We can listen to music or dance as part of connecting with the Inner Child or True Self . . .Listening to various forms of music can help us tap into memories and feelings as well. Nursery rhymes, hymns, or songs our parents listened to will help us remember our childhood and child within."
(English) ACAs Only (Closed) (online)
Notes: Non Smoking -
Meetings Local Time 8pm America/Los_Angeles
Last Update on 23-Mar-2024
Sunday 12:00 AM AUS065 ACA Brisbane Sunday Group
270 Roma Street,Brisbane 4000 Queensland

Community Centre Beginners welcome
(English) Open to All (In Person)
Format: Discussion - Steps
Notes: Non Smoking -
Meetings Local Time 2:00 PM Australia/Brisbane
Last Update on 30-Jan-2024
Sunday 12:00 AM WEB1096 ACA Religious Abuse Survivors
Passcode 694902 https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83859283063?pwd=eFk3MS9aeUVQSFVOOGdpRDEwckxUUT09#success Sat/Sun (US ET and further East): Loving Parent Guidebook, Sun: Secular Religious Abuse Survivors Solution, Thurs: Recovery from Somatization. Tues: Secular 12 Steps for Recovery from Religious Coercive Control. You can use the virtual meeting link or else go to aca-ie-intergroup.org for the meeting list with zoom links. If you have trouble getting into the meeting, contact [email protected]. Passcode 694902. https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83859283063?pwd=eFk3MS9aeUVQSFVOOGdpRDEwckxUUT09#success If locked out, contact [email protected] Virtual Meeting Link
(English) ACAs Only (Closed) (online)
Format: Loving Parent Guidebook - Steps
Focus: Secular/Agnostic/Atheist
Notes: Needs Support -
Meetings Local Time 09:00 pm America/Los_Angeles
Region 2 Last Update on 3-Jul-2024
Sunday 12:00 AM WEB0095 Early Risers Fellow World Travelers, Europe - Monday Meeting
Zoom ID's: Monday: 828 6614 9258 Tuesday: 840 9937 2668 Wednesday: 824 1755 4426 Thursday: 832 0464 8580 Friday: 873 1777 2221 Saturday: 815 1866 3991 Sunday: 851 1575 1109 Password for every meeting is the same: 711 Audio only, no video. English Speaking. Reparenting can help us be in the solution of becoming our own loving parent. This is an important step for us as we develop our own identity that is different than our dysfunctional family role. With The Solution, we are on our own, but we are not alone as we were when we were children. We have our ACA group, the fellowship, and a Higher Power to rely upon. With help and support, we learn what it means to be a Loving Parent to ourselves. https://acafellowworldtravelers.com
(English) Open to All (online)
Format: Discussion
Focus: Beginners
Meetings Local Time 06:00 am Europe/Amsterdam
Last Update on 16-Jul-2024
Sunday 12:15 AM WEB1330 Voices of Victory Daily Meditation
Meeting ID: 836 8688 5234 Passcode: ZAF0003 Meetings open 5 minutes before the meeting starts and close 5 minutes in for safety reasons. You will be required to switch on your camera for sharing, but the meeting is run with cameras off to reduce distractions.
(English Shares in Afrikaans welcome) Open to All (online)
Meetings Local Time 06:15 am Africa/Johannesburg
Last Update on 4-Aug-2024

Newly Updated

Sunday 12:30 AM AUS0124 Loving Parent Guidebook Fullarton
411 Fullarton Road,Fullarton 5063 South Australia

The Howard Room in the Fullarton Community Centre
(English English) Open to All (In Person)
Format: Discussion - Loving Parent Guidebook
Notes: Wheelchair Access -
Meetings Local Time 02:00 pm Australia/Adelaide
Last Update on 6-Jun-2023
Sunday 12:30 AM WEB0807 ACA Give it a go - Tony A's 12 Steps
Email contact for zoom ID. Weekly readings from the Big Red Book
(English) Open to All (online)
Focus: Women Only
Meetings Local Time 06:30 am Europe/Vienna
Last Update on 14-Nov-2023
Sunday 12:30 AM WEB0808 ACA - Give it a go - Tony A\'s 12 Steps Reparenting
Please email June for the zoom link.
[email protected] Saturdays and Sundays Loving Parent meetings based on Tony A\'s 12 Steps and Affirmations from the Big Red Book. (not using Loving Parent guide book)
(English) Open to All (online)
Format: Fellowship Text (BRB)
Focus: Women Only
Meetings Local Time 06:30 am Europe/Vienna
Last Update on 16-Jan-2024
Sunday 02:30 AM AUS0130 Spiritual Sundays - Big Red Book meeting
All Hallows Church, 17 Brenbeal Street,Balwyn 3103 Victoria

Meeting held in the back room of the church (enter from Jurang Street) Part of Sydney Intergroup
(English) Open to All (In Person)
Format: Fellowship Text (BRB)
Meetings Local Time 04:30 pm Australia/Melbourne
Last Update on 6-Jan-2024
Sunday 02:30 AM WEB0773 Przystań na Mazurach
Konarskiego, 13 lok. 1,Gi?ycko 11-500 Polska

We stay together on meeting as long as needed. For link to Skype meeting write on: [email protected] On Polish public holidays we meet at 8:30 AM
(Polish) Open to All (Hybrid - In Person and Online)
Format: Book Study - Discussion - Fellowship Text - Laundry Lists Workbook - Steps
Notes: Non Smoking - Wheelchair Access -
Meetings Local Time 08:30 am Europe/Berlin
Last Update on 12-Feb-2022
Sunday 03:00 AM WEB0182 Europe's Sunday morning Big Red Book Chapter 19 Study (The Twelve Traditions of ACA )
09:00 am Amsterdam / 08:00 am London Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85867876612?pwd=NzkvMTdLbGlHZzFEenZoUG5CYy84Zz09 Meeting ID : 858 6787 6612 Passcode : 711
Audio only, please do not use the video function. English speaking meeting. The ACA Twelve Traditions provide guidelines for group conduct just as the ACA Steps provide guidelines for individual recovery. Please see https://www.acafellowworldtravelers.com for information on all our meetings. www.acafellowworldtravelers.com
(English) Open to All (online)
Format: Book Study - Discussion - Traditions
Meetings Local Time 09:00 am Europe/Amsterdam
Last Update on 5-Sep-2022
Sunday 03:30 AM SWE0161
Nobelvägen 20,Malmoe 21427 Sweden

In the basement of St:a Maria Kyrka. Entrance from Nobelvägen. Enter through the gate to the left of the belfry when you have your back turned to Nobelvägen. The room is open from 9 a.m.Readings from Strengthening My Recovery. All texts and the meetings format is read in English and the shares are in whichever language the individual member finds most comfortable. If there is need for an interpreter please contact us and we will do our best to see if we can be of assistance. Telephone: +46709359050 email: [email protected]
(English) ACAs Only (Closed) (In Person)
Format: Discussion - Fellowship Text
Meetings Local Time 09:30 am Europe/Stockholm
Last Update on 4-Nov-2022
Sunday 03:30 AM WEB0429 Lemoniada DDA/DDD
Za skypie wyszukaj użytkownika "dda.lemoniada" i napisz na czacie, że chcesz wziąć udział. Alternatywnie, napisz na maila: [email protected] z prośbą o przyłączenie
(Polish) Open to All (online)
Format: Steps
Meetings Local Time 09:30 am Europe/Berlin
Last Update on 14-Feb-2022
Sunday 03:30 AM TEL0518 Check-in to Inner Family
Check-in to the inner family, based on a practice from the Loving Parent Guidebook. Meeting is in Hebrew language.
(Hebrew) Open to All (telephone)
Meetings Local Time 10:30 am Asia/Jerusalem
Last Update on 20-Aug-2022
Sunday 03:30 AM WEB1022 BRB Loving Parent Meeting
857 1728 2714 Password: serenity
(English) Open to All (online)
Format: Fellowship Text (BRB)
Meetings Local Time 05:00 pm Australia/Adelaide
Last Update on 24-Jan-2023
Sunday 04:00 AM AUS0095 Inter-regional Roos Steps Workbook & Inner Loving Parent Workbook
These meetings are by ZOOM 774 3629 4713 pass-code 9ZZZZZ The meeting is capped at 18 participants per session
(English) Open to All (online)
Format: Fellowship Text (BRB) - Loving Parent Guidebook
Notes: Non Smoking -
Meetings Local Time 06:00 pm Australia/Melbourne
Last Update on 8-Apr-2024
Sunday 04:00 AM ZAF0004 ACA Blairgowrie Group
Delta Park, Road No.3, Victory Park,Johannesburg 2195 Gauteng

(Updated 27 Jan. 2024) The meeting is held inside the Delta Environmental Centre building. Access is via the main entrance. The doors are locked at 10am when the meeting starts but late-comers can ring the door-bell. A parking area is adjacent to the building. The meeting is not affected by load-shedding.
(English) Open to All (In Person)
Format: Fellowship Text (BRB) - Speaker - Steps
Notes: Non Smoking -
Meetings Local Time 10:00 am Africa/Johannesburg
Last Update on 27-Jan-2024
Sunday 04:00 AM WEB0752 NZ Studies 12 Steps
This is a literature based study. Meeting id is 2020434320 and password is Ucandoit. Starts at 8 pm NZDT time. Please check your local area for the time differences. Audio only. This is a literature based study. Meeting id is 2020434320 and password is Ucandoit. Starts at 8 pm NZDT time. Please check your local area for the time differences. Audio only.
(English) Open to All (online)
Format: Discussion
Meetings Local Time 08:00 pm Pacific/Auckland
Last Update on 10-Nov-2023
Sunday 04:00 AM WEB1011 Relationships
We meet on Zoom Room ID: 979 798 6412 Password: 121414 Welcome! This group meets online only, and is an audio only meeting (with the option to reveal your video if you wish). This is an established meeting in New Zealand, but all worldwide ACA members are welcome. The focus is on Relationships - with readings taken from ACA Big Red Book, Chapters 13-15.
(English) Open to All (online)
Format: Fellowship Text (BRB)
Meetings Local Time 08:00 pm Pacific/Auckland
Last Update on 25-Mar-2023
Sunday 04:00 AM FIN0066 Strengthening Our Recovery Helsinki
Kinaporinkatu 2 A,Helsinki 00500 Uusimaa

Door buzzer 4: "redis" You are warmly welcome to join us for the Strengthening Our Recovery -meeting. You can just show up, and there is no need to sign up. However, if you have any questions, you are encouraged to email us, and we will gladly help you with anything. We are located right next to Sörnäinen metro station. It is considerate to show up at least 10 minutes before the meeting starts so you can sit down, help yourself with some coffee or tea, and be ready when we start. This meeting is LGBTQ+ and gender-minority friendly and open for all. The meeting is chaired in English, but literature is provided in English and Finnish, and you are free to share in either language. Newcomers are welcome to join. Press door buzzer: "redis" More information: https://shorturl.at/fhqHN
(English English and Finnish) Open to All (In Person)
Format: Strengthening My Recovery
Focus: LGBTQ+
Notes: Needs Support -
Meetings Local Time 11:00 am Europe/Helsinki
Last Update on 5-Feb-2024
Sunday 04:00 AM AUS0131
180 Liverpool Road ASHFIELD,Sydney 2131 New South Wales

(English) Open to All (In Person)
Notes: Non Smoking - Wheelchair Access -
Meetings Local Time 06:00 pm Australia/Sydney
Last Update on 4-Jun-2024
Sunday 04:15 AM WEB1340 Neubeelterung
Link klicken oder die Einwahldaten von Zoom nutzen: ID : 84698088675 Pw: 811479 Der Zweck dieses Meetings ist es, zu üben, mit unserem inneren Kind zu sprechen und anderen zuzuhören, wie sie selbst diese Fähigkeiten entwickeln. Wir lernen, unser inneres Kind anzuhören und zu bestätigen. Dies hilft uns als Erwachsene zu handeln, in der Gegenwart verankert, anstatt von unserem inneren Säugling, Kind, Jugendlichen oder unserem Kritischen Elternteil aus zu reagieren. Virtual Meeting Link
(English) Open to All (online)
Meetings Local Time 10:15 am Europe/Berlin
Last Update on 25-Aug-2024

Newly Updated

Sunday 04:30 AM SWE0164 Aca in Lund
Bredgatan 19,Lund 22221 Skane Skåne

Bredgatan 19, Vänskapens hus (across from Socialhögskolan in Lund). Meeting is on the second floor. Open international meeting. Texts are in English and sharing is done in Swedish, English or any other language.
(Other Swedish or English) Open to All (In Person)
Notes: Non Smoking -
Meetings Local Time 10:30 am Europe/Stockholm
Last Update on 20-Oct-2022
Sunday 04:30 AM SWE0168 Söndagsgruppen - tema narcissism och psykisk misshandel
St. Paulsgatan 39D,Stockholm 118 48 Stockholm Sweden

Hartwickska huset. On the yard. Inner door.
(Swedish) ACAs Only (Closed) (In Person)
Meetings Local Time 10:30 am Europe/Stockholm
Last Update on 2-Feb-2023
Sunday 04:30 AM ZAF0005 ACA Cape Town South Africa
Saint Michaels Catholic Church, Rouwkoop Road, Rondebosch,Cape Town 7700 Western Cape South Africa

"Due to heavy loadshedding in the host country we may be unable to host this meeting from time to time (loadshedding = The South African energy crisis, most notably manifesting in the form of successive rounds of loadshedding, is an ongoing period of widespread national level rolling blackouts as electricity supply falls behind electricity demand, threatening to destabilize the national power grid). We will miss you but encourage you to look for another meeting if you are in need of a meeting today. There are a number of alternate meetings at our regular meeting time and we encourage you to look for them on the virtual calendar https://adultchildren.org/online-phone-meetings-calendar/"1 - Saturday Meetings are Face to Face Meetings and run from 10:30am - 12:00pm
2 - Zoom meetings take place on: Sunday @10:30am to 12:00pm and Wednesday @ 7:00pm-8:00pm Virtual Meeting Link
(English) Open to All (Hybrid - In Person and Online)
Format: 12 Step Study Group - Book Study - Discussion - Fellowship Text - Speaker - Steps
Meetings Local Time 10:30 am Africa/Johannesburg
Last Update on 14-Aug-2022
2746 Meeting(s) Found - Page

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